Issues with new Release

I recently upgraded to the latest version, and when performing a compare SQL Compare is showing over 200 tables as "existing in both but different". Since we have made very few changes this was very surprising. When I look at the side by side comparison at the bottom, SQL Compare is showing no actual differences on the vast majority of tables.
The compare is performed using Source Control to Database compare for migration to TEST. (Within the source control option I have chosen our DEV database which is linked to source control and the compare is to our TEST database.)
The compare is performed using Source Control to Database compare for migration to TEST. (Within the source control option I have chosen our DEV database which is linked to source control and the compare is to our TEST database.)
Can you try the patch build from here: ...
and let me know if it fixes your problem?
Yes, that solved my problem. Thank you very much for the quick response!
Scott Kuhn
I was seeing the same problem. I installed the patch and it fixed that particular problem.
However on a related note, the patch version still appears to be falsely reporting changes for some Stored Procedures that have not changed. Either there are differences that aren't being highlighted, or there aren't any differences and the SP should not have been flagged as changed.
Further, SQL Compare started popping a window that says it has "magically mapped the following fields." The mapping it shows makes absolutely no sense and seems random, but I can't figure out how to undo it or to stop it from doing anything magically.
Is there any way I can roll back to the old version? I can't use the product in its current state.
Thanks for your help,
Mike N.
Can you give me an example of a SP that you Compare is showing as different now?
Hi Mike,
Sorry about the problems you are experiencing. What sort of non-sensical mappings are you seeing? Can you give me the definitions of the tables please?
Are you able to send us snapshots of the databases which are showing invisible differences? If so please send them to
I believe the latest update has not been shipped in the installers on the site so if you uninstall Compare and download it again from ... l-compare/ you can revert to the older version 10, just don't update it as yet.