Do not have permissions to modify the file

Windows 7 64bit
SSMS v 10.50.2500.0
Source Control TFS 2010

Performing "Get Latest" and receive the following error,
"Do not have permissions to modify the file C:\Users\pcarter\AppData\Local\Red Gate\SQL Source Control 3\WorkingBases\pebjvpue.ico\Functions\dbo.MyFunctionName.sql. Note that no files have been altered."

At this point no updates can be applied from source control.

For a workaround, un-link the database, then re-link. Changed items show up as "conflicts". Choose "Take Theirs" and then Get Latest. Everything continues as expected until there are more changes available in source control repository. At which point the "Do not have permissions ..." error comes up again.

Have submitted report with log file. Looking forward to a quick fix.



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