New 2008 data types in SQL Compare

When we use the newer data types and we are comparing to svn or a scripts folder, Compare always shows it as a difference and prefixes the type with [sys] like this:
I believe this can happen if your script folder in source control is set to SQL 2005.
The attribute for this is set in the RedGateDatabaseInfo.xml file in the root of the repository.
The database being treated as SQL 2005 can happen if the file is missing, or if the database was originally created from a SQL 2005 database.
You should be able to change the behaviour if you manually change the file to SQL 2008. If it's missing completely, you can create a new link to a blank repository and then take the XML file from that.
I hope this helps.
You were correct, I had created the original repository against the database when it was still on 2005 and did not know about this attribute.
For others clarification what I found was the line: and I changed it to Besides the new data types that I was noticing, after the change and a new compare I also found that it was quietly ignoring filtered indexes we had added in 2008. I am glad to have this resolved before I had to rebuild from svn and lost those features.
Thanks for your help.
Chris Luttrell