
Could not start IIS

Because I use host headers I need Ants performance profiler to start an asp.net application. If I start it without an asp.net account my code won't work as I connect to a database on the network. I tried to use the asp.net account detail section and I get the error that it could not start IIS.


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    Hi - sorry to hear you're having trouble with ANTS Performance Profiler.

    There are a few things that can cause IIS to misbehave and return a "could not start" message - have you tried any of the tips in our article on troubleshooting IIS profiling? A good first step is to check that the account you're specifying has read access to %ProgramFiles%\Red Gate\ANTS Performance Profiler7\ProfilerCore.dll.

    If you've tried our new continuous profiling beta mode, you should also try uninstalling that, as the early access version of this tool currently conflicts with IIS profiling from the main Performance Profiler interface.
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