How do I get 2 columns from a table

Struggling a bit with the data generator. What I want to do is use 2 columns from a SQL Server table to populate 2 columns in an empty table
I want the 2 columns to keep there relationship to each other ie
PropertyRef1 and PropertyRef2 are related and need to populate in the new table the same.
I have tried setting the seed to 0 and changing the population but with no luck. Any suggestions
Struggling a bit with the data generator. What I want to do is use 2 columns from a SQL Server table to populate 2 columns in an empty table
I want the 2 columns to keep there relationship to each other ie
PropertyRef1 and PropertyRef2 are related and need to populate in the new table the same.
I have tried setting the seed to 0 and changing the population but with no luck. Any suggestions
Comments ... 10625.aspx
Seed is useful when you want to set NULLs in the same places; you may also use it if you want some columns to be identical, but doesn't work for the particular order on referencing other tables.