
devdeptdevdept Posts: 27
edited February 13, 2012 9:50AM in SmartAssembly
I added the [ObfuscateControlFlow] attribute to push the obfuscation of some licensing methods.

I have no difference in decompiled code. What should I do?

Maybe it is a bug? Should something be changed in the SA project file?

Can I upgrade from 6.2 to the latest for free or should I upgrade paying something?




  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1

    You mean, you use an deobfuscator and it shows the code -- if you were using ILDSAM or a straight IL dumper the IL should be really different.

    If you check the forum here we have a few complaints about code being disassembled. Protecting the assembly is pretty much an arms race but ultimately, like with any app protection, you're just making things harder for the hacker. There is a new feature in 6.6 called Method Parent Obfuscation. That may help.
  • Thanks Brian,
    You mean, you use an deobfuscator and it shows the code

    I am using JetBrains dotPeek, honestly if hackers use this kind of tools all the things SA is doing are pretty useless I think.

    Ho do you enable MethodParentObfuscation, I set Unverifieable as obfuscation level for the [ObfuscateControlFlow] tagged methods but again nothing changes after opening it with dotPeek...


  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    MPO is available in the Professional edition of SA 6.6.
  • I already upgraded to Pro once for tamper protection and downgraded later because could not be applied to our assemblies, is there any limitation on MPO before upgrading?
  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    I'll send you a trial key if you want to evaluate the professional edition.
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