SQL Source Control source trace

I understand that SQL Source Control uses the default trace to populate the 'Changed By' column.

Because the default trace recycles over so quickly, this value is always Unknown. Is there a possible setting to change the trace SQL Source Control points to for this info? In theory a custom trace that retains more historical info so this value is appropriately populated.


  • csmithcsmith Posts: 138 Bronze 1

    I'm afraid you cannot configure the trace SQL Source Control points to for 'Changed By' reporting. However, you can tune the frequency SQL Source Control polls the database which may help reduce how often the trace recycles - please see the thread below for details:
    http://www.red-gate.com/MessageBoard/vi ... hp?t=14503

    We are currently working on a fix to reduce the frequency of the Unknown issue. When we have completed that fix, would you be interested in trying out a build to see it this resolves the problem?

    Best regards
    Divisional Development Lead
    Redgate Software
  • csmithcsmith Posts: 138 Bronze 1

    An Early Access Release of SQL Source Control v3.1 is now available that includes a solution to the 'Changed by = Unknown' problem.

    For more details, and a download link, please see:
    http://www.red-gate.com/MessageBoard/vi ... hp?t=15345

    Divisional Development Lead
    Redgate Software
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