Comparison Options

jimbowjimbow Posts: 2
Source Control does not seem to provide for comparison options ( eg Ignore Fillfactor) as in SQL Compare.
When saving to svn initially it seems to ignore this but when refreshed it shows a difference.


  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,807 Rose Gold 5
    Thank you for your post into the forum.

    SQL Source Control does not expose the SQL Compare project options. Therefore I have submitted a Support Question to the Development Team and waiting for their reply. The reference for this request is SOC-3397, once I get further information I will provide an update.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
  • csmithcsmith Posts: 138 Bronze 1

    SQL Source Control v3.0.5.7 includes a mechanism to allow comparison options to be configured.

    To get this version, please run Check For Updates from the Help menu in SQL Source Control. This is a free upgrade for existing licensed v3 users and for users with a Support & Upgrades contract.

    Comparison options can now be set via a configuration file in your database repository's Working Base folder. The following Knowledge Base support article describes how to configure this option:
    KB201202000521 - Setting SQL Compare options within SQL Source Control

    Our plan in the future is to provide an options dialog to allow users to configure the comparison options that are changed most often, but we believe this configuration file procedure should help users in the interim.

    If you'd like to see an options dialog exposing these settings in SQL Source Control, please vote on the associated Idea on our UserVoice site. It'd be great if you could also leave a comment indicating which specific options you'd like to see in the dialog.

    Best regards,
    Divisional Development Lead
    Redgate Software
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