Feature Request: View relationship columns in table

whenriksenwhenriksen Posts: 25
edited July 19, 2012 7:02PM in SQL Dependency Tracker
I'd like the option to only add columns that are used in a relationship with another visible table. It would be nice to see the key column name in the diagram without having all of the other columns in the diagram also.

This would help me in building join queries in database that I did not design.


  • Thanks for your post.

    I'm afraid it's not possible at the moment, but it's a popular idea, so I've added you as another vote for feature DT-289.
  • wdhenrikwdhenrik Posts: 15 Bronze 1
    Add another vote for this. The lack of key columns is the only reason my dev team just decided to use Visio instead.

    Visio shows a PK/FK status in front of each related column when a database is reverse engineered. I can't imagine why it is not possible for dependency tracker to do the same.


    [Update] I just noticed this is a topic I started when I worked at another company. :)
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