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Searching for *=

BamajohnBamajohn Posts: 12
edited October 31, 2011 1:51PM in SQL Search Previous Versions
I have discovered a bug in SQL Search I have read similar threads and tried forcing a reindex, then I found and deleted all the cached index files from %userprofile%\appdata\local\Red Gate\SQLSearch 1\Indexes\. Neither of these steps changed the observed behavior. I am running SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 SP1, 10.50.2500.0, on Windows 7 SP1 64-bit.

The problem is searching for *= with "All Objects" and "Exact Match" selected. The "All Objects" option brings back no results at all. However, changing the drop-down to "Views" brings back one result, and changing the drop-down to "Procedures" brings back five results.

This is very important to me as I am checking my database for SQL 2008 readiness and have come to depend on SQL Search.
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