Performance Profiler is not working at all

I am completely new to Performance Profiler, and maybe I am doing something silly that is wrong.
Even so it looks so easy in the video.
I open up the application and the first page I get is the Settings page. I select ASP.NET web application IIS, and in the url I put in http://localhost:2558/.
I click on the button Start Profiling and my application is launched. However on performance counter data screen I see nothing.
I click on "Select All" just for something to do and I get the message "No results to display".
This is not how it looks in the video. What am I doing wrong?
Even so it looks so easy in the video.
I open up the application and the first page I get is the Settings page. I select ASP.NET web application IIS, and in the url I put in http://localhost:2558/.
I click on the button Start Profiling and my application is launched. However on performance counter data screen I see nothing.
I click on "Select All" just for something to do and I get the message "No results to display".
This is not how it looks in the video. What am I doing wrong?
Make the impossible possible, the possible easy, and the easy elegant. — Moshe Feldenkrais
If it is, can you check with task manager to see that your process is indeed launched?
So I decided to set it up, having to fix 403 errors long the way until I got
"Server Application Unavailable
The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable. Please hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request.
Administrator Note: An error message detailing the cause of this specific request failure can be found in the application event log of the web server. Please review this log entry to discover what caused this error to occur.
The event viewer is NOT helpful.
Now I feel like giving up.
If you have the binding to port 2258 set up, all you should need to do is set up the MVC app's folder as an application by right-clicking it in Windows Explorer and using the item to add it to IIS (I think it's called Web sharing in XP) and I think there is an option to make it an application rather than a "virtual directory".
After doing this, you should be able to open a web browser and go to http://localhost:2258/yourapp and if that works, you should be able to profile it.
I changed it to 2258 but that didn't work.
On XP, there is no unused port option and you effectively have to restart IIS, if I remember correctly.
If I could, is that where I type http://localhost:2258/yourapp?
Lets go back to the beginning. I am happily running my application whilst I develop it on my local machine.
Then I download the profiler and I try to run the app. The path to my local host does not work. It seems as though I have to set up my application in IIS in order to get a pathname that will work. That is what I am now trying to do.
Maybe I do not have to do that? However the url for localhost - the default IIS settings that I do not see in the IIS manager - that I am currently using does not work.
Otherwise you have to go through the IIS Administrator tool and set up a virtual application to host your website.
Then in the server settings I put in /http://localhost:2258/myapp and for the port number I put in 2258. I select .Net4.
I try running that and it does not work.
When I look on the details I get;
"Cannot profile web application on port 2258: the port is already in use - please select a different port"
Anyway I did what you suggested.
In the virtual directory I put /http://localhost:2558/
For the Port to bind web server I put in one of the port numbers that came back from that command you gave me.
Now I get a launch. The error message on the launched web page is; HTTP Error 400 - Bad Request.
I tried putting a forward slash in the Web Server virtual directory, but that did not work.
And now what does it do? It should not be a bad request. It did that because you seem to have put an entire URL in the virtual directory box.
Is that wrong?