Deadlock Monitoring

I just took over SQL monitor 2 from Redgate and I would like to do some tuning to our monitoring. My first priority is our Deadlock monitoring which happens about 3000 times a week across 5000+ databases that a few dozen applications access. So basically clearing up all these deadlocks will be near impossible.

I would like to know is there a way to Alert on the number of deadlocks that occur in a specified period of time. If I have lets say 500 deadlocks during business hours something maybe wrong that needs to be looked at, however if I have 100 in our off hours I dont want to know about them


  • Hi,

    This is currently not supported in the product.

    But having said that we are currently working on "Custom metric and alerts" feature for V 3.0. So you should be able to achieve this via this feature when SQL Monitor V 3.0 is released. We would be running "Early Access Program" for V 3.0 very soon. If you are interested in having a preview of "Custom metric and alerts" and giving us feedback, then please let us know.

    Apart from this, you can access some reports from here ... /ssrs-pack. It will atleast give you summary of the number of alerts.

    Priya Sinha
    Project Manager
    Red Gate Software
  • Priyasinha,

    Yes We would like to run the Early Access Program for the custom metric and alerts. It will allow us to work on tailor our alerts for our databases/systems.
  • That's great. I am sending you separate email regarding this.

    Priya Sinha
    Project Manager
    Red Gate Software
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