Transaction log backup with COPYTO issues

I have recently set up transaction log backups for 12 databases to be copied across a network share using the COPYTO parameter.
I have a few issues with the process that are causing me headaches:
1. At least once a day so far files have copied but not renamed from .partial to .sqb (they weren't corrupt, although I have had failures that were corrupt also)
2. On a few occassions files have got stuck in Pending on the copy server, updating to and changing some copy params may have helped here still waiting to see
3. I have had some file copy errors (not as frequent but under higher load ie. file sizes such as maintenance index rebuilds) where the copies fail with "The semaphore timeout period has expired".
Has anyone else experienced these types of issues and have any ideas on how to make the process more robust? Currently I'm spending at least 30-60mins a day (incl. weekends) making sure it all stays on track. I'm pretty sure I could write some tools to monitor/correct issues but if something else can be done that'd be the preference.
COPYTO params:
- COPYTO:CopyIntervalInMinutes = 1
- COPYTO:ExpiryIntervalInMinutes = 2880
- CYTO:MaxCopyIntervalCount = 10
- COPYTO:ThreadCount = 10
I have a few issues with the process that are causing me headaches:
1. At least once a day so far files have copied but not renamed from .partial to .sqb (they weren't corrupt, although I have had failures that were corrupt also)
2. On a few occassions files have got stuck in Pending on the copy server, updating to and changing some copy params may have helped here still waiting to see
3. I have had some file copy errors (not as frequent but under higher load ie. file sizes such as maintenance index rebuilds) where the copies fail with "The semaphore timeout period has expired".
Has anyone else experienced these types of issues and have any ideas on how to make the process more robust? Currently I'm spending at least 30-60mins a day (incl. weekends) making sure it all stays on track. I'm pretty sure I could write some tools to monitor/correct issues but if something else can be done that'd be the preference.
COPYTO params:
- COPYTO:CopyIntervalInMinutes = 1
- COPYTO:ExpiryIntervalInMinutes = 2880
- CYTO:MaxCopyIntervalCount = 10
- COPYTO:ThreadCount = 10
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
To get over this for the mean time I've set the copy to go to a local folder to consolidate the logs from the backup into one location which I then move out to the remote server through a robocopy move operation.
- get list of files to copy. Files are sorted by no. of attempts (in descending order), followed by entry creation date. This means that SQL Backup will give priority to older files. The no. of files it keeps in the list is the no. of threads x thread multiplier. By default, this means 10 files (5 x 2).
- it will then work down the list, assigning each file to the first available copy thread. When all copy threads have been used, or if the list of files have all been assigned, it enters a wait state.
- the wait state is the copy interval (default is 1 minute), but SQL Backup checks every 5 seconds if any of the copy threads has completed its task. If there are still files in the list, SQL Backup will assign a new file to the thread.
- at the end of the copy interval, SQL Backup returns to the first step above.
In your case, is it possible that the network interface cannot handle the load, especially if you have 10 threads copying files to remote shares? Or pehaps its the remote share that cannot handle the load, since it sounds like you're copying all the files to the same remote share. In your robocopy job, how many threads are you using to copy the files?
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
The log copy queue is still getting stuck even with copying to a local disk. Multiple files get stuck in "Copying" and I have a couple that are stuck on "Pending" newer files are going through.
I'm going to try switching to USESIMPLECOPY on the backup command that recommended for local copies anyway? ...
That archive contains the SQL Backup Agent executable file (SQBCoreService.exe). To replace the existing service executable file, do the following:
- ensure that no SQL Backup processes are running
- stop the SQL Backup Agent service, or disable the cluster resource if on a cluster
- rename the existing executable file (SQBCoreService.exe) in the SQL Backup installation folder
- extract and place the patched executable file into the same folder
- Open the registry, and look for the SQL Backup Agent service definition. For the default instance, this would be
For a named instance, this would be
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQLBackupAgent_<instance name>
- Look for the ImagePath value, and edit its data. Add -sqbdebug to the end of the startup parameter e.g.
C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\(LOCAL)\SQBCoreService.exe -sqbdebug
- restart the SQL Backup Agent service/cluster resource
In the folder where the SQL Backup Agent service file is located, there should now be 2 log files generated, SQBCoreServiceCopyManager_log.txt and SQBCoreService_log.txt. The first file will log all details re. the copy processes, which should shed some light on what's happening. Please send me both the log files after letting the SQL Backup Agent service run a while, until it starts having problems copying the files.
Thank you.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
Having said that does this version have any changes to the log copying process or does it just contain extra debugging code?
This version only adds extra debugging code, as I don't know the cause of your problems yet.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8