Odd disk space warnings on a SQL Cluster

RhysRhys Posts: 35
edited August 26, 2011 7:38AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions
I've just added a cluster onto our instance of SQL Monitor and these erroneous looking disk space alerts popped up...
HarddiskVolume6 on cluster > nodeb

Disk space used: 0.00 GB (0.00%)
Disk space available: 0.00 GB (0.00%)
Total disk size: 0.00 GB
HarddiskVolume10 on cluster > nodea

Disk space used: 0.00 GB (0.00%)
Disk space available: 0.00 GB (0.00%)
Total disk size: 0.00 GB

Q: on cluster > nodea

Disk space used: 0.04 GB (4.27%)
Disk space available: 0.96 GB (95.73%)
Total disk size: 1.01 GB
M: on cluster > nodea

Disk space used: 0.04 GB (3.69%)
Disk space available: 0.97 GB (96.31%)
Total disk size: 1.01 GB

I can see why for the M & Q drives. We had it set (default) to alert if disk space is less than 1GB. Not an issue for these drives but I've changed the alert to a % instead. Howeevr the alerts about HarddiskVolumeX seem a little odd.



  • Hi Rhys,

    Would it be possible to send following screen shot for each of these:
    - Alerts for each of these drives
    - Configuration for each of these drives
    - Total space
    - Used space

    Please send email to support@red-gate.com and also refer to this forum. We can then investigate this further.

    Priya Sinha
    Project Manager
    Red Gate Software
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