Recovery on a new server.

johnnylundgrenjohnnylundgren Posts: 2
edited November 15, 2005 4:31PM in SQL Log Rescue

Can I use this tool to recover from logs to a completely different server ?

My environment:

A two-node SQL2000 cluster with data and logs on different disks and an additional (non-cluster) server on which to make regular SQL disaster recoverys.

Is this the optimal tool to do what I need to do ?


Johnny Lundgren


  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Hello Johnny,

    I believe so. SQL Log Rescue analyzes the actual log (LDF file) by querying the server for its' location, then copying the LDF to the computer running log rescue so it can be analyzed off-line. If you want to undo or redo all or part of a transaction, you can tell Log Rescue to produce a SQL script that you can run in Query Analyzer.

    Provided your target has matching schema and data close enough so the query will not fail, you can run the SQL Script on any database you'd like.
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