Smart Rename column fails with GEOGRAPHY and GEOMETRY types

after updating to new version (, smart rename column does not work anymore. It "works", but it do not find all occurencies of column usage in all SPs, only part of them. This is VERY critical bug, and it ended me with several hours of headache and manual renaming things.
Do you test your products befor releasing?? I'm very disappointed.
Is there any way to downgrade to previous version??
Dmitry Gokun.
after updating to new version (, smart rename column does not work anymore. It "works", but it do not find all occurencies of column usage in all SPs, only part of them. This is VERY critical bug, and it ended me with several hours of headache and manual renaming things.
Do you test your products befor releasing?? I'm very disappointed.
Is there any way to downgrade to previous version??
Dmitry Gokun.
I have emailed you asking for few more details which will help us investigate the issue further.
Product Support
Redgate Software Ltd.
may thanks for finally replying. First of all, i want to make this discussion public. It's not only me who interested in this, so other user also need to know what's going on and what they should be aware of when using SQL Prompt.
I made small investigation. What is found is that smart rename works very bad with GEOMETRY & GEOGRAPHY data types. I'm not sure if it's new bug or it was present in prev versions as well - i have no way to check.
Here's script:
After running this, expand TestSmartRename database in Object Explorer, select Test table and try smart-renaming UglyName column. SQL Prompts finds only 1 usage of this field: in SP1.
Best regards,
Dmitry Gokun
We were able to replicate the issue with and previous versions of SQL Prompt as well.
I have logged this issue in our internal tracking system whose tracking id is SP-4010.
I will update you as soon as this issue is fixed.
Product Support
Redgate Software Ltd.
Is there any way for me to track issue state online?
I reported another bug (along with steps to reproduce) about a month ago - ... 8828#48828.
In private mail, you told me "I was able to reproduce the issue and hence logged this in our internal tracking system whose tracking id is SP-3975". Month is passed and i did not get any information about your team working on bug/when it's planned to be fixed.
Please understand me correct: we bought SQL Prompt for everyday use right today, not after year or two. For now, it does not work as expected and i have to manually work on every refactoring i do. So, i want to know, is it worse of waiting for bugs be fixed in near future or i just have to look around and buy another product which can do what we need right today (or write my own scripts/tools to perform tasks we need). I just need to know rough estimation for bug fixes time.
Best regards,
Our bug tracking database isn't open to the public. The issue number is made available as a reference for future conversations.
We'd love to be able to fix every bug in a few weeks, we really would, but we do have to prioritise our development resources. To address these Smart Rename issues would involve major work on the core engine, and as such would need to be examined very carefully to be scheduled into a release. One of the factors we take into account is the number of users who have reported the issue.
When the time comes to plan a new major release it will be considered, but we can't make any promises at this stage.
I'm sorry this isn't quite the answer you're hoping for, but I hope it explains the situation a little.
Project Manager, Red Gate
i fully understand you, i'm developer too
Just small advise: as long as you know about issues with GEOMETRY/GEOGRAPHY data types, cannt you make hot fix, which shows warning about problems possible, when user tries to "smart rename" such column?
Regarding, prev issue i reported (identity values are screwed after "smart rename") - it's super easy to fix. It as simple as adding "SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON" statement to script generated. Why this fix was not incorporated in latest update?
Best regards,
Dmitry Gokun.
I don't know if you have looked through the forum history much, but I have complained about the lack of bugs getting fixed unless they cause a crash or a lot of people complain about them. So don't hold your breath for this being fixed anytime soon. (I still have open bugs from years ago that were reported against SQL Prompt 3.x and 4.x.)
Okay, thanks for information. This is really important to know.