Strange RunTime Error Using Data Compare

I have been using Data Compare for some time now with no real problems. Today I ran into a strange one. When I try to fire up the app, I get a
"Unhandled Error". When I select OK to debug I get a System.ArgumentException in System.drawing.dll
"Font Courier New doesn't support style Regular"
Anyone seen this? I am using version
"Unhandled Error". When I select OK to debug I get a System.ArgumentException in System.drawing.dll
"Font Courier New doesn't support style Regular"
Anyone seen this? I am using version
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Sorry, no. This doesn't ring a bell with me. Can you please tell me what operating system this occurs on?
I also have tried reinstalling the app. Still no luck. Today, I will try installing on a clean build.
Is the font error actually being thrown by the debugger (after you click OK)?
Is the error that SQL Data Compare encounters a different error?
RedGate.SQLDataCompare.UI.exe - Common Language Runtime Debugging Services
Application has generated an exception that could not be handled
If I click cancel to start the debugger I get another window from the CLR debugger:
System.ArgumentException in system.drawing.dll
Additional information: Font 'Courier New' doesn't support style 'Regular'
According to Microsoft, Courier New font should already be installed on your computer. Can you please try installing your OEM fonts by following Microsoft's recommendations in the link below?