Source control transactions
Posts: 6
Let me start by saying that i am not 100% sure this problem is to do with SQL Source Control, but it is definitely one of the Red Gate tools.
I have notice, while running profiler against a database in Source Control, that "Red Gate Software - SQL Tools" is executing a process every couple of seconds against tempDB. This is what is being executed:
Is this normal behaviour?
Let me start by saying that i am not 100% sure this problem is to do with SQL Source Control, but it is definitely one of the Red Gate tools.
I have notice, while running profiler against a database in Source Control, that "Red Gate Software - SQL Tools" is executing a process every couple of seconds against tempDB. This is what is being executed:
-- Copyright © 2009 Red Gate Software Ltd. SET XACT_ABORT ON ; SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 100 ; BEGIN TRAN ; IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#RG_NewSysTypes', N'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #RG_NewSysTypes ; SELECT sysTypes.user_type_id AS ObjectID , AS SchemaName , AS Name , sysTypes.is_assembly_type AS ClrType , convert(bit, case when sysTypes.system_type_id = 243 then 1 else 0 end) AS TableType INTO #RG_NewSysTypes FROM [GSABS_Staging].sys.types AS sysTypes LEFT JOIN [GSABS_Staging].sys.schemas AS sysSchemas ON sysSchemas.schema_id = sysTypes.schema_id WHERE sysTypes.is_user_defined = 1 ; SELECT ls.ObjectID AS prevObjectID , curr.ObjectID AS ObjectID , ls.Name AS prevName , curr.Name AS Name , ls.SchemaName AS prevSchemaName , curr.SchemaName AS SchemaName , ls.ClrType AS prevClrType , curr.ClrType AS ClrType , ls.TableType AS prevTableType , curr.TableType AS TableType FROM #RG_LastSysTypes AS ls FULL OUTER JOIN #RG_NewSysTypes AS curr ON ls.ObjectID = curr.ObjectID WHERE ls.ObjectID IS NULL OR curr.ObjectID IS NULL OR ls.Name <> curr.Name ; DROP TABLE #RG_LastSysTypes ; SELECT * INTO #RG_LastSysTypes FROM #RG_NewSysTypes ; COMMIT ;
Is this normal behaviour?
If you're finding this is causing a performance hit, then it's possible to alter (or disable) this behaviour. Please refer to this post for details:
Redgate Software