
Show Source View - Does nothing

I used to use Profiler 6.0 with VS 2005 and it worked well. Recently we moved to VS 2010 and I upgraded to Profiler 6.2.

Now when I run Profiler the source window (usually at the bottom) doesn't show, even if I select the menu item under "View".

Maybe it's my settings?
Application Type: ASP.NET web application (we development server)
ASP.NET web application (path): [The root directory of my web app]
Profiling mode: Line-level and method-level timings; all methods (most detailed)
SQL and file I/O: Do not record SQL and file I/O performance (disabled)
Profile child processes: checked

Web Server virtual directory: /
Port to bind web server to: 4367
.NET version: .NET 4

Thank you very much,


  • Options
    I think the problem is a corrupt registry key. You may want to try closing the profiler and then deleting this registry key:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Red Gate\ANTS Performance Profiler 6\Dock States\Main Window\DockManagerData\Panels\Item1

    Hope that helps
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    Excellent, this did the trick!

    Actually, I deleted the item you suggested and nothing happened so then I went and deleted the whole DockManagerData folder and that did it.

    Thank you for your help!
  • Options
    Ah, that's right. I knew it was one of the folders there.

    I'll still claim a point for getting as close as I did. 8)

    Have a good day,

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