Support for Multiple SSMS Instances

SloopJohnBSloopJohnB Posts: 25 Bronze 3
Is support for multiple SSMS instances something that is planned? I usually have SSMS windows abound on my PC, but alas SQL Source Control only likes one...


  • Thanks for the request.

    Can I ask why you've ended up with so many SSMS instances? Is there a reason why this has happened, rather than using multiple query windows within a single instance of SSMS?

    David Atkinson
    Red Gate Software
    David Atkinson
    Product Manager
    Redgate Software
  • SloopJohnBSloopJohnB Posts: 25 Bronze 3
    I know you can open up multiple tabs (and do). But I tend to open a session for each distinct tasks/projects I might be working on at the same time. Having one instance for each is easier to deal with than trying to sort through 20 different tabs trying to figure out what goes with which.
  • Hey John,

    We are actually working on the tab problem--seems pretty common--and it would be great to get your feedback on some of our early designs.

    Would you be available for a short chat sometime soon or if you'd prefer, provide some feedback on our mock-ups via email? If so, drop me an email and we can figure out the details. It would be great to get your input.

    Hope to hear from you...

    Luke Jefferson
    Product Manager
    Red Gate Software
  • I'd like to add a "Me too" to the request to support mulitple SSMS instances. Like the original poster, I may work on several disparate projects at the same time. Currently I need to find the right SSMS window to do my Source Control work.
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