Why are my method parameters __p1, __p2, etc?

awmckinleyawmckinley Posts: 2
edited April 20, 2011 10:08AM in SmartAssembly
Sorry if this question's already been asked but I couldn't find an answer anywhere.

I'm evaluating SmartAssembly for my company - we have a DLL we're distributing for use on Windows Mobile 6.0 devices, and we want to protect the internal logic. There are about 6 methods which will be called by the users and we'd like the parameter names to be meaningful, but the SmartAssembly 6 trial has renamed them to __p1, __p2, etc. I've tried a few different configurations, but I haven't figured out how to get it to work the way I'd like.

Really appreciate anyone's help. Thanks!


  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Sorry I do not fully understand the problem. When you say parameters, are these function parameter names or parameter types?

    If your users need to call these methods, then the types and methods should really have a public accessor. If they do, then SmartAssembly will not change the name. If they need to be private for some odd reason, then you can exclude them from obfuscation by editing the project or using the DoNotObfuscate attribute.
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