Features request

Our database has more then 1000 objects.
If I need to select only 300 of them to synchronize, it will take long time clicking those checkboxes one by one.
Would be nice to have multiselect ability as well as custom filters.
Also we need to synchronize primary keys, but ignore other indexes.
Please let us know if/when you are going to implement it in your future releases.
Our database has more then 1000 objects.
If I need to select only 300 of them to synchronize, it will take long time clicking those checkboxes one by one.
Would be nice to have multiselect ability as well as custom filters.
Also we need to synchronize primary keys, but ignore other indexes.
Please let us know if/when you are going to implement it in your future releases.
This discussion has been closed.
That sounds possible. We are probably not going to change the GUI in the next version because the SQL 2005 support took all the priority. The version after that, maybe.
I'll pass on the suggestion about the primary keys, but as far as I know a primary key is lumped in with the rest of the indexes because it exists in the database's sysindexes table.