Comparing various snapshots

I'm new to AntsProfiler so please excuse my very basic question.
If I run the memory profiler and after startup take a snapshot (lets call it snapshot1), run some processes and take a second snapshot (snapshot2), run futher processes and take yet another snapshot (snapshot3), how can I see the differences between snapshot1 and snapshot3?
Martin Hart Turner.
I'm new to AntsProfiler so please excuse my very basic question.
If I run the memory profiler and after startup take a snapshot (lets call it snapshot1), run some processes and take a second snapshot (snapshot2), run futher processes and take yet another snapshot (snapshot3), how can I see the differences between snapshot1 and snapshot3?
Martin Hart Turner.
Unfortunately there is no facility in ANTS Profiler for comparing sets of results. All the information that you need should be available in the results, though. Without comparing two sets of memory profiling results, you can still see running totals of how many objects have been allocated vs how many are still live.
Thanks for the prompt answer.
Is this a feature you might consider for a future version or am I missing something very basic?
Let me explain a typical scenario.
1) I setup and run a memory profile project and start the app which shows the main screen. I take a snapshot.
2) I open a window, do some work and close the window. I take another snapshot.
3) I open a different window do some work and close it. I then take another snapshot.
4) In a perfect world all elements created in the 2 windows I opened and closed should have been destroyed and no leaks should appear (fine chance!)
5) But if there were leaks I would like to compare snapshot 1 with snapshot 2 to see what went wrong with the first window. Then I want to compare the snapshots 1 and 3 to see what went wrong there, but I don't want snapshot 2's problems to interfere with my results.
Is the a valid argument?
Martin H.