Stack underflow during SA build

Uniwares_ASUniwares_AS Posts: 168
edited March 24, 2011 8:54AM in SmartAssembly
x:\...\SmartAssembly5.targets(10,3): error : SmartAssembly build failed:
x:\...\SmartAssembly5.targets(10,3): error : Stack underflow in method System.Void [Uniwares.Net.Dns]#e.#Mn::#go(System.Int32), instruction offset c

Yes the message is cut off like that. Not sure if you got an exception report from SA itself.


  • Are you trying to process an assembly that has already been obfuscated by SA? This error can can happen when a method is already control flow obfuscated.

  • When doing a build, instead of a rebuild, sometimes an assembly is not rebuilt but still processed by the build task. In this case, yes, this assembly was not rebuilt and has been processed at the last build.
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