Issues Viewing the Overview Tab with iPhone/iPad

linquelinque Posts: 31
edited February 17, 2011 5:50AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions
I recently moved SQL Monitor 2.1 from my local machine to two vm environments. I used to be able to log into SQL Monitor using my iPhone/iPad without any issues, however, since the move it's extremely sluggish, and will not display data on the overview tab. I ran the Safari web browser with the Debug Console on, and received the following javascript errors.
JavaScript Error on Line 173
SyntaxError: Parse Error

JavaScript Error on Line 406
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: $

JavaScript Error on Line 410
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: $

I'm using the built-in web server that came with SQLM2, and I have no issue accessing it through Chrome, FF, or IE.

When it was on my local machine, I installed the 2.0 version first, then upgraded to 2.1. When I installed in the new environment, I only installed 2.1.

Any idea what might be happening?


  • Well, the slowness is due to our wireless network, so ignore that comment. I fired up my MacBook Pro, and it won't display in Safari either. Works great in Chrome on OSX, though. I wonder if the last iOS update upgraded/broke Safari.

    Just to be sure, I also had my IT manager access it over his Samsung Galaxy S Android phone, and it works great.
  • Hi

    We haven't seen any issues with Safari in-house but I've enabled the error console on my browser and will keep an eye open for any issues.

    Which version of Safari are you using out of interest?

    SQL Monitor version 2.2 is available from our website as of this morning, so if the issue persists then upgrading to the latest version could potentially help.

    Chris Spencer
    Test Engineer
    Red Gate
  • I'm also checking this on an iPad but the version of iOS is fairly old (3.2.2 I think). I assume that you're on version 4 or beyond?

    Chris Spencer
    Test Engineer
    Red Gate
  • I've also tested SQL Monitor v2.2 on an iPad running iOS 4.2.1. I didn't hit any issues but will keep investigating.

    Chris Spencer
    Test Engineer
    Red Gate
  • Well, I upgraded both instances and can now see one. Looks like the upgrade helped, but I think I'm also having a WiFi issue. Thanks for your help, Chris!
  • Woo hoo! They are both working now.
  • Great news that it's all working again.

    Just in case we've got an intermittent issue with Safari, I'll increase the testing I do on that browser over the course of the next release.

    Chris Spencer
    Test Engineer
    Red Gate
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