Replication Monitoring

jeffgonneringjeffgonnering Posts: 27 New member
edited January 4, 2011 5:11AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions
I have been unable to find any info on monitoring replication with SQL Monitor within this forum and Google searches. It appears the list of alerts is fixed and there is no way to add "custom" alerts, am I correct? I am specifically interested in the sp_replcounters stored procs "replicated transactions" field, which contains the number of transactions in the log awaiting delivery to the distribution database. This info is also available in the DMV sys.dm_os_performance_counters. Would appreciate any information on this topic. Thanks.


  • Hi,

    Thanks for your post. We do have custom alerts in our plan but at the moment we are not sure when we will implement this. For now I am tracking this as SRP-3009.

    Priya Sinha
    Project Manager
    Red Gate Software
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