Dialogs appear twice

KCaringerKCaringer Posts: 3
edited October 1, 2005 9:45AM in ANTS Load
When I'm using ANTS Load, I always get the dialogs twice, and I can't figure out why.

For example, if I choose "Open an existing project", the open dialog appears and I pick a script file. When I hit OK, the open dialog pops up again and I pick the script file again and then it loads that second time.

This only happens if I choose it off the link in IE. If I chose the menu item or toolbar, it works as expected.

This happens if I choose pretty much any link from the page instead of using the menu.

Any ideas?
Kevin Caringer
Relius Government Forms


  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Hi Kevin,

    This must have crept in silently due to one of the many IE updates that almost always introduce subtle changes to the behaviour of web pages. We'll have a look at it. Thanks for telling us.

    In the meantime, the menus should serve you much better!
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