Monitoring stopped (Incorrect credentials or insufficient

qcjimsqcjims Posts: 38
here is another error:

15 Dec 2010 1:17 PM Registry OpenRegistryHive: LocalMachine Incorrect credentials or insufficient permissions Win32Exception Access is denied

Monitoring was working for a while, then it stopped.


  • Hi,

    This is data collection error with remote registry. Could you please verify the permission for the user as per this article: ... 340335.htm

    Also, could you please test all the data collection methods are working in your environment. ... 340335.htm

    Priya Sinha
    Project Manager
    Red Gate Software
  • i will try the two steps you mentioned.

    however, why doesn't SQL monitor do these steps and then report on what is/is not actually working?

  • Hi Jim,

    Running diagnostics using 3rd party tool enables us to differentiate between problems with SQL Monitor and problems and configuration issues with your windows environment.

    SQL Monitor provides fairly detailed error messages on these issue, but sometimes it is unclear what is causing the issue.

    On top of this, some windows APIs seem to have transitory issues associated with them.

    Let me know if you'd like any further detail.
  • The answer given to use the testing is all well and good. But what do we do when the test fails? I appear to be using an older version of windows server than what you are screen shotting but I get the idea. If it fails to open perfmon ( my issue ) what do I need to tell my IT team? And why does it work fine from one server and not another?
  • Hi,

    There are can be various reasons as why a particular data collection is failing.

    If a particular data collection is failing then the first thing I would do is to check whether the account you are using to connect to SQL Server and Machine has required permission or not. Most of the time it doesn't work because the permissions are not correct. You can check the list of permissions here in help file: ... 340335.htm

    Regarding perfmon issue, what exact error message you are getting in 'Monitored servers' page. Could you please click on 'Show log' and send us the error message? Could you also check that the permissions are correct and 'Remote registry' service is running?

    Priya Sinha
    Project Manager
    Red Gate Software
  • I have been having similar problems but I think (hope!) I've fixed it. We use the base monitor account as the credentials for monitoring remote servers.

    I ran through the tests at and they failed at the perfmon step.

    I was logging in using user@domain format. When I changed it to DOMAIN\user format it worked...
    Don't know why. Anyway, I updated the credentials used for running the SQL Monitor 2 service and restarted it, all my monitors came online.

    Hope this helps.
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