Unable to generate an interactive report programatically

I am trying to generate an interactive HTML report using SQLCompareInteractiveReportTemplate.xsl. The report gets generated but doesn't display any data except for the header and a couple of nested tables. Also, I see Javascript errors. It looks like the javascript in the xsl file for the interactive html report is not getting executed for soem reason
The report, however, gets generated correctly when i use the SQLCompareSimpleHTMLReport.xsl file.
I am using IE8 with scripting enabled. Please let me know where i am going wrong..
I am trying to generate an interactive HTML report using SQLCompareInteractiveReportTemplate.xsl. The report gets generated but doesn't display any data except for the header and a couple of nested tables. Also, I see Javascript errors. It looks like the javascript in the xsl file for the interactive html report is not getting executed for soem reason
The report, however, gets generated correctly when i use the SQLCompareSimpleHTMLReport.xsl file.
I am using IE8 with scripting enabled. Please let me know where i am going wrong..
Can you confirm how you're generating the report? Are you using the SQL Compare 8 GUI to generate the report, or are you using the command line or API?
Can you also confirm the exact version of SQL Compare 8 you're using?
Also, when you open the report, are you opening it from the same location it was created in or have you deployed it? We create another folder of images which needs to also need to be deployed.
I am using this code to generate my report
http://www.red-gate.com/supportcenter/C ... .htm&p=SQL Comparison SDK
I downloaded a trail version of sql compare from the website - version 8.5
I dont think it is the images which is causing the problem. When I open the script debugger using Chrome, I see over a 1000 JS errors. For some reason, the script is not getting executed. The reports opens up all messed up (and it shows no data).
As for the images folder, i have it in the same location as the generated HTML report.
I think you may have encountered a known issue with the SQL Compare 8.50 release.
Can you try the patch version and see if the problem is resolved?
If not, let me know and we can look into this a bit further.
You can get the patch from here: