Is there a way to add extra global search paths?
Posts: 7
Is there a way to manually add extra global search paths? I've read that:
"You can add extra global search paths when you get prompted for missing references" but I'm missing references and don't see a screen to add the paths... So, is there a way to add paths before it builds and fails?
"You can add extra global search paths when you get prompted for missing references" but I'm missing references and don't see a screen to add the paths... So, is there a way to add paths before it builds and fails?
How are you building your project? The SmartAssembly UI gives you a dialog when it can't find a reference. It has a browse button you should use (this becomes a HintPath in your saproj file).
Red Gate .NET Tools ... 121047.htm
There is a way to specify global search paths, but it's usually not the right thing to do, a per-assembly MandatoryPath will suit you better in the long run.
Red Gate .NET Tools
If you really want to do global search paths, you add this to the middle of your SmartAssembly.settings file (in C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\SmartAssembly):
<SearchPath>C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v4.0\Libraries\Client</SearchPath>
This is unsupported and not recommended though.
Red Gate .NET Tools