Disk Properties

I have a question or enhansement request for the disk charts.
I have multiible SQL instances under a windows host and under the host I see all the disks that is assigned to the host along with the space and used which is good.
Now, when I click on the SQL Instance I see all of the disk again. I would really like to only see the disk that are being used by SQL instance. The disk were the data and log files are located.
For Instanse... Today I was asked how much storage is being used by sql instance 1.
When I go to SQL instance one, it would be nice to see the storage allocatted for SQL instance 1.
Currently with your tool, I would need to remember where the files are, D, E and F and then add up those. "If I can remember", if not I would need to click on the DB and see were the files are located and then go back to add up the storage.
Is there some way to only show the disks assigned to the SQL instance under the SQL instance view?
I have multiible SQL instances under a windows host and under the host I see all the disks that is assigned to the host along with the space and used which is good.
Now, when I click on the SQL Instance I see all of the disk again. I would really like to only see the disk that are being used by SQL instance. The disk were the data and log files are located.
For Instanse... Today I was asked how much storage is being used by sql instance 1.
When I go to SQL instance one, it would be nice to see the storage allocatted for SQL instance 1.
Currently with your tool, I would need to remember where the files are, D, E and F and then add up those. "If I can remember", if not I would need to click on the DB and see were the files are located and then go back to add up the storage.
Is there some way to only show the disks assigned to the SQL instance under the SQL instance view?
I think that this makes a lot of sense and I've raised an enhancement request (ref: SRP-2496).
Sorry but there is no way to show this information at the moment.
Thanks again
Test Engineer
Red Gate