Invalid connection database connection parameter:

What does this error message mean?
Error: Invalid connection database connection parameter: FileName already set
I have double checked the command line arguments and the values are correct for that database. The command is shown below:
sqlcompare /scr1:"D:\Development\Spikes\TFS Test Project\Database" /s2:MYSQLSERVER\SQL2008 /UserName2:sa /p2:password /db2:TFSTest /o:Default /Report:"C:\Temp\SchemaDiffReport.html" /ReportType:Interactive /ScriptFile:"C:\Temp\SchemaSyncScript.sql" /sync /force
Error: Invalid connection database connection parameter: FileName already set
I have double checked the command line arguments and the values are correct for that database. The command is shown below:
sqlcompare /scr1:"D:\Development\Spikes\TFS Test Project\Database" /s2:MYSQLSERVER\SQL2008 /UserName2:sa /p2:password /db2:TFSTest /o:Default /Report:"C:\Temp\SchemaDiffReport.html" /ReportType:Interactive /ScriptFile:"C:\Temp\SchemaSyncScript.sql" /sync /force