Long-running query calculation definition

jschoenjschoen Posts: 4
edited November 8, 2010 9:12AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions
Raised when:
Query has been running for longer than a specified duration.

I wonder, how is this time being calculated by SQL Monitor 2 ?
Is this done by: Login Time - Last Batch (Time) = Query Run Time ?

Because we use old software that doesn't close it's connection this could result in potential false alerts. (Login Time keeps original value).

Thanks for you answer !
"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them" - Albert Einstein


  • Hi Jeroen

    Reusing the connection is quite common for performance reasons.

    Every time we see a running query, we make a note of the date. The duration of the query is simply the difference between the current date and the first date that we saw the query.

    We determine that it is the same query by using a combination of the process ID, the login date, and the last batch date.

    Hope this helps.
  • Hi Ben,

    thanks for the quick reply ! It seems that the detemination of this alert has changed in the new SQL Monitor 2, because when I use it now on our environment I get no 'false' alerts anymore :)

    Thank you again !
    "The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them" - Albert Einstein
  • Hi Jeroen

    Yes, you are right - this was fixed quite recently. I'm glad that it's working for you now.

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