Can not run "Record Script"

yaohuangyaohuang Posts: 4
edited August 31, 2005 10:58AM in ANTS Load

I am trying to use ANTS Load to test our intranet web site.
The envrironment is:

1. Downloaded ANTS Load trial version (14 day valid)


1. start ANTS Load
2. Click "Create a project using the wizard"
3. In the first window "New Project wizard", Click button "Record script", then error window "Recording" pupup:
"QI for IEnumVARIANT failed on the unmanaged server".

I check the document of "walkthrough", it did not mension any server.
I also re-install ANTS Load, the same problem still exists.

Can any one help me? we are eager to use and buy ANTS if it works fine in our project.



  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Hello Yao,

    I can't say what the problem is exactly, but the gist of this is that the QueryInterface for a COM object had failed. You can query COM objects to get a list of bases and interfaces. ANTS Load runs in the .NET Framework, but that is capable of calling back to older COM technology.

    I'd assume that since the script recorder uses Internet Explorer, the web browser installation may have gone screwey.

    Can you try to fix this by re-registering the web browser COM component? From a command prompt, type 'regsvr32 shdocvw.dll'
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