Cannot compare date field with a datetime field

I get the error "Unable to compare between fields EffDate and EffDate, types being compared System.DateTime and System.String" whenever I try to compare two tables. One table is on SQL2005 so the field type is a datetime and there are no actual times included in the field so everything is 12am. The other table is on SQL2008 and the field type is date. It shows the correct field types in the mapping yet isn't smart enough to do the comparison. Is there some setting that I can check off to allow it to convert this or is this just a bug or oversight in the product? This is my first attempt at using it so I realize it could just be my lack of knowledge. It still doesn't make sense to me that the error message would refer to one of the types as a string though.
I have tried to recreate your fault symptons with no success. Therefore a support call has bee created for you, the call reference is F0040570.
Can you please send an e-mail to with the above call reference in the subject field and attach a screen shot of the error you experience when attempting a SQL Data Compare comparison.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd