Pb after restoring MSDB in command line

Here's my SQL configuration :
Source SQL Server : MS SQL Server 2000 version : 8.00.2082 (SP4)
Target SQL Server : MS SQL Server 2000 version : 8.00.2082 (SP4)
Instance name for both servers : SQLSERVER2000
SQLBackup version :
My goal : how to restore MSDB to another SQL Server?
The steps :
1-Backup MSDB on the Source SQL Server via GUI SQLBACKUP : succeeded
2-MSDB put in mono-user mode : succeeded
3-Stop SQL Server 2000 Agent : succeeded.
3-On Target Server, in command restore MSDB : succeeded (command : SQLBACKUPC -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE MSDB FROM DISK='C:\DATA\MSDB-SOURCE.SQB'" -I SQLSERVER2000)
4- On Target Server : Launch SQL Entreprise Manager : succeeded (I can see jobs coming from Source Server)
My problem : I cannot now connect to my Target Server with GUI SQLBACKUP. I have a red cross on the server symbol at the left on my Targer Server name.
When I check the properties of my server via the SQLBackup GUI, I have these errors in a window (french translation) :
redgate sqlbackup unable to find distributor or the distribution database of the local server, distributor is not installed ...
Thanks for you help.
Here's my SQL configuration :
Source SQL Server : MS SQL Server 2000 version : 8.00.2082 (SP4)
Target SQL Server : MS SQL Server 2000 version : 8.00.2082 (SP4)
Instance name for both servers : SQLSERVER2000
SQLBackup version :
My goal : how to restore MSDB to another SQL Server?
The steps :
1-Backup MSDB on the Source SQL Server via GUI SQLBACKUP : succeeded
2-MSDB put in mono-user mode : succeeded
3-Stop SQL Server 2000 Agent : succeeded.
3-On Target Server, in command restore MSDB : succeeded (command : SQLBACKUPC -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE MSDB FROM DISK='C:\DATA\MSDB-SOURCE.SQB'" -I SQLSERVER2000)
4- On Target Server : Launch SQL Entreprise Manager : succeeded (I can see jobs coming from Source Server)
My problem : I cannot now connect to my Target Server with GUI SQLBACKUP. I have a red cross on the server symbol at the left on my Targer Server name.
When I check the properties of my server via the SQLBackup GUI, I have these errors in a window (french translation) :
redgate sqlbackup unable to find distributor or the distribution database of the local server, distributor is not installed ...
Thanks for you help.
SQLBackup GUI works fine now because I restored Master DB ... obvious ?
If you have any explanations.
I never seen the reported error with regards to SQL Backup. The error message: I have seen the above error with regards to database replication.
As you were attempting to restore a backup of the msdb database on a different server, is the server that created the backup file contain replicated databases?
If the answer is yes, this may explain why you needed to restore the master database prior to restoring the msdb database.
Along with the backup and maintenance tasks, the msdb database in addition will contain the replication jobs.
Also in my experience when restoring system databases to another server, you need to restore the master database prior to restoring any of the other system databases- msdb and model.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
Email: support@red-gate.com