Value Specified for Threshold not Parsed

I tried to launch profile.exe from the command line but got the following error :
Error: The default value specified for /threshold could not be parsed as type 5: 0.1.
My command was :
"Profile.exe" /e:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\DevServer\10.0\WebDev.WebServer40.EXE" /ll /csv:"D:\testing\results.csv"
I tried to launch profile.exe from the command line but got the following error :
Error: The default value specified for /threshold could not be parsed as type 5: 0.1.
My command was :
"Profile.exe" /e:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\DevServer\10.0\WebDev.WebServer40.EXE" /ll /csv:"D:\testing\results.csv"
Please see my answer to your previous topic. You're meant to use the arguments to do with "cassini" rather than trying to launch the webdev.webserver as an executable. I have never seen the error you had reported before -- I expect it's an error message thrown by webdev.webserver.
I tried with the following command line and still have the same issue :
"C:\Program Files\Red Gate\ANTS Performance Profiler 6\Profile.exe" /ll /csv:"D:\testing\results.csv" /port:10101 /webdev /cpath:"D:\flp001Locataire\Dev\Src\Applications\Initialisateur.Web.UI\Initialisateur.Web.UI.vbproj" /cvd:"SoumissionLocataire"
Is there more documentation on the command line feature? I had seen the page with the parameters but there aren't any examples.
Thanks and have a good weekend,
Just to clarify, I believe that the /cpath argument is meant to be the directory of the web project files, rahter than the full path to the VB project file.
Thanks for the patch, it works now. I have another issue but I'll open another thread.
Have a good one.