problem synchronising with exchange mailbox names

adrianhadrianh Posts: 7
edited October 15, 2010 4:52AM in PST Importer 2010
I have PST Importer 2010 running on the destination exchange server. When i import a file it asks the destination mailbox.

Once i have started PST Importer 2010 it seems to read the exchange server mailbox users into memory. If i add a new user to exchange the problem is it does not appear in the Destination Mailbox select list in PST Importer 2010. Even when i stop the program and restart it doesnt update.

The only solution i have found is to deinstall and reinstall PST Importer 2010 and then it updates and synchronises correctly with exchange, until exchange changes of course.

Is there a way to tell PST Importer 2010 to reread the exchange mailbox users list?



  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    PST Importer 2010 console should automatically update the mailbox list every 15 seconds.
  • It most definately is not updating every 15 there a way to force reread?
  • Maybe this is relevant: the mailboxes are the same but the aliases of several have changed. It doesnt automatically match becuase the alias is different to the pst filename and when you manually set to the old and run then it fails as could not open the mailbox.
  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1

    Sorry, I take that back. PST Importer checks for mailbox changed evvery one hour. If you want to force it, restarting the PST Central Service should do the trick.
  • so my observation was seems yes a new mailbox is acknowledged per cycle but if Importer has it registered already and something subtle changes like alias or display name then the matches done work any more.

    I hesitate to delete user and add new to satify Importer....

    any more info greatly appreciated of how to get around.

    As i forge forward im getting a variety of other errors posts.
  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    I don't mean to be critical of what you're doing, but why are you changing mailbox aliases around? Is this just for testing, or do you have some sort of real-world need to do this?
  • Nigel MorseNigel Morse Posts: 164 Bronze 2
    adrianh wrote:
    so my observation was seems yes a new mailbox is acknowledged per cycle but if Importer has it registered already and something subtle changes like alias or display name then the matches done work any more.

    The central service will check every hour for mailbox data (as Brian says). Restarting it will force an update.

    However each time it does this is completely replaces the existing data from the previous check. All we're after is the actual mailbox name for each user (so we don't look for aliases etc.) and this is then just used to present the list of available mailboxes for you to chose from.
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