SQBConverter Tool and LOG Files

pgareispgareis Posts: 5
edited October 13, 2010 7:24PM in SQL Backup Previous Versions
Can I use the Converter tool to convert SQLBackup V6 LOG backup files to SQL Standard LOG backups?

I want to be able to use ApexSQL LOG for future recovery needs.
This tool does not know how to read/use your LOG backups.
I tried to use the Converter Tool and it seemed to do a conversion but created a number of files and still these files were not usable by ApexSQL LOG.
I also seem to remember reading that the Converter creates multiple converted files if multiple threads were used to create the SQLbackup files.

Basically again my question: Can I use the Converter Tool to create Standard SQL LOG backup files from the SQLBackup LOG backup files?



  • peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    Can I use the Converter tool to convert SQLBackup V6 LOG backup files to SQL Standard LOG backups?
    I also seem to remember reading that the Converter creates multiple converted files if multiple threads were used to create the SQLbackup files.
    When you perform a backup using multiple threads in SQL Backup, it's essentially the same as performing a multi-device backup in SQL Server e.g.
    BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK = 'g:\backups\pubs_part1.bak', DISK = 'g:\backups\pubs_part2.bak' ...
    The only difference is that in SQL Backup, all the backup data are stacked in a single file, as opposed to storing them in multiple files. Thus when you convert it back to native SQL Server backups, the converter will create multiple files.

    Have you tried restoring the converted files using SQL Server to see if they are valid?
    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
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