Move and reallocate licenses

RichardRayJHRichardRayJH Posts: 22
edited October 11, 2010 6:59AM in SQL Backup Previous Versions
I've got SQL Backup console on one data server and client files on two others. I want to put the console on the same server with our BackupExec interface, move the client tools for instance to a different data server and move the other two clients to other servers.

I've got the deactivation tool. Is there anything more to this that just deactivating everything on all the servers where it's now installed and reinstalling on the new servers? How about the fact that the console will no longer be on a SQL server that's getting backed up? Does the installer allow that split to take place?
Richard Ray
Jackson Hole Mountain Resort
Teton Village, WY


  • Your scenario should be fine. Deactivate the serial number on the server(s) to be decommissioned before installing and activating on the new servers. The UI is not licensed so you can install it on as many machines as you wish.
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