Could not display <file>.scp because it does not appear ...

to be a SQL Compare project file.
I saved a newly created project file and when I try to open it the next time I start SQL Compare , I see in the appearing dialogbox the above error message on all my project files.
So, what happens?
Also, the last used project file is not reload when I start SQL Compare 8 again.
I have the latest version installed and it is running on Windows 7 64bit with german language.
I saved a newly created project file and when I try to open it the next time I start SQL Compare , I see in the appearing dialogbox the above error message on all my project files.
So, what happens?
Also, the last used project file is not reload when I start SQL Compare 8 again.
I have the latest version installed and it is running on Windows 7 64bit with german language.
Thanks for your post and sorry you are running into this. Does the .scp file actually work if you try to load it? Also, do you have any on access anti virus software running on that folder location that the files are saved in? If so, can you try disabling it.
Many thanks!
Red Gate Software Ltd
+44 (0)870 160 0037 ext. 8569
1 866 RED GATE ext. 8569
No, I cannot load the file. I get the mentioned error-message. I saved the file right before.
Yes, there is virusscanner running, but I cannot disable it due to missing rights, but there was no problem before.
I switched to windows 7 x64 (from windows XP) and I now got the problem. I have the rights to write and read into the directory. I do not change the default settings.
SQL Compare 8 definitely works on Win 7 x64 and has been tested against that OS too.
I am wondering, do you have any UAC settings in place at all which are preventing proper saving of the .scp files? You can test this by right clicking on the SQL Compare program and selecting to run it as an administrator. If you can then create a new project file, save it and then re-open it to see if you get the same error that would be great.
Many thanks!
Red Gate Software Ltd
+44 (0)870 160 0037 ext. 8569
1 866 RED GATE ext. 8569
No, same problem. I save one scp-file and try to load it, what does not work.
I try to upload a screenshop but I did not found how to do this here.
The first time when I open the Load-Windows, the control where normally the files are shown had big red cross.
I close the programm and reload it as admin again, the I only see the messages "could not display <filename>.scr because it does no appear to be a SQL Compare project file.
Strange, when I save the file to another folder, no problems. But I have full control rights to that original folderm which were created when I install the program.
Sounds like there is something environmental affecting that particular folder for some reason. I am assuming that the default folder you are having problems with is within your user profile? Is the folder you can save directly to with no problems also under your user profile? If not, there could potentially be a corruption with your user profile on that machine and it should just need recreating.
Red Gate Software Ltd
+44 (0)870 160 0037 ext. 8569
1 866 RED GATE ext. 8569
I try opening the scp-File with Notepad and no problems.
Then I copy the files to an other folder and try to open them there, same problem.
When I copy the file which I saved in that other folder back to the default folder, I can open it there.
So, the saving of the files is the problem, not the loading. I have full access to the default folder.
My default folder is: C:\Users\<my account name>\Documents\SQL Compare\SharedProjects
When I save the file into a folder of Visual Studio, where I can load and save files with Visual Studio without any problems, I got the same error.
No more ideas.
Thanks for your reply. Ok, something weird and wonderful is happening that may or may not be related to SQL Compare. We will however have to run a debugger on SQL Compare though so it's best to take this one away from the forums.
We have a support call open for you already, so I will e-mail you directly regarding this.
Red Gate Software Ltd
+44 (0)870 160 0037 ext. 8569
1 866 RED GATE ext. 8569