SQL Data Compare 6 versus 8 Command Line Options

I was working on re-setting a weekly database sync job using the SQLDataCompare [version 8] and it appears one of the command line options is no longer valid:
/ignoreadditional (Alias: /a)
Do not compare rows that are present only in <database2>.
We do not wish to run this in an automatted mode unless we can make sure RedGate does not delete items in <database2>. Is there a version 8 equivalent to this option?
/ignoreadditional (Alias: /a)
Do not compare rows that are present only in <database2>.
We do not wish to run this in an automatted mode unless we can make sure RedGate does not delete items in <database2>. Is there a version 8 equivalent to this option?

/IncludeAdditional switch is deprecated. Instead use /Include:Additional
Kindly refer the following knowledge based article as this explains changes to the command line in SQL Data Compare 8. Click here for the link
Kindly let me know if this answers your question.
Product Support
Redgate Software Ltd.
E-mail: support@red-gate.com
Actually, since I am trying to EXCLUDE items only in DB2, shouldn't I use the /Exclude:Additional so the items in target DB2 are NOT touched (i.e., deleted)?
Note that I am NOT trying to include or exclude database OBJECTS (views, tables, etc.) but specifically RECORDS in source DB1/Table1 that are missing or different that target DB2/Table1. I want the records that only exist in target DB2/Table1 to not be touched/deleted.
I believe an alternative would be to do /Include:Missing,Different or /Include:Missing /Include:Different (not sure about the syntax)?
To prevent data from being dropped in the "second" database, you can use a combination of /include:Missing and /include:Different.
For example:
Kindly let me know if this works for you.
Product Support
Redgate Software Ltd.
E-mail: support@red-gate.com
Might I suggest the FAQ and other command line documentation get an update to include the difference between version 6 and version 8?