Paragrah/sentence generation

I'd like to see text columns filled with a somewhat realistic word/sentence structure. I don't really care if it the text doesn't make sense. Currently it appears the only option is a regexp which just fills in with letters and numbers.

Would it be possible to create a Lorem Ipsum generator (or an english equivalent) for text fields? I'd also like to see the string length variance be a configurable option.


Proin magna leo, bibendum vitae fringilla vel, sagittis nec mi. Suspendisse potenti. Cras eu dolor a elit ultrices tempor sed sed dolor.
Etiam eu tortor porta magna condimentum hendrerit. Sed ut quam consequat dui sodales rutrum sit amet quis dui posuere.

can make a big difference over this:


when working with screen flow and page layout issues.


  • Anu DAnu D Posts: 876 Silver 3
    Many thanks for your post.

    Have you tried Generator option 'Description ' from shopping section? I hope that is much closer to what you are looking for.

    Which will generate data:
    Id eudis quo linguens imaginator pars fecit.  Et quad estis vobis homo, si quad fecit, non apparens vantis. Sed quad ut novum vobis regit, et nomen novum eggredior.  Longam, e gravis et pladior venit.  Tam quo, et bono quorum glavans e funem.  Quad rarendum habitatio quoque plorum fecundio, et quis gravis delerium.  Versus esset in dolorum cognitio, travissimantor quantare sed quartu manifestum egreddior estum.  Multum gravum et plurissimum parte brevens, non quo plorum in volcans essit.  Pro linguens non trepicandor si nomen transit.

    Kindly let me know if this is not what you are looking for.[/img]
    Anuradha Deshpande
    Product Support
    Redgate Software Ltd.
  • Perfect.

  • Anu DAnu D Posts: 876 Silver 3
    Thanks for your confirmation we are pleased your issue is resolved!
    Anuradha Deshpande
    Product Support
    Redgate Software Ltd.
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