Build Server License

We are using the new command line profiling features a long with soapUI to automate some performance test runs with the idea to have this run daily on our build servers. I asked the question in the EAP forums as well at is was mentioned that a separate license for running the profiler on the build server would be available. I had a look at the new documentation for v6, but I don't see any mention of the license. So the question remains, what is the scenario w.r.t licenses for your build servers where we only run ANTS Profiler in command line mode?



  • I'll need to ask the sales team about this as I haven't heard anything. Do you just mean licensing conditions or are you also enquiring about possible discounts (if ANTS is only used in command-line mode)?

    PS Thanks for a brilliant world cup! :)
  • Both - licensing conditions and hopefully discounts as well.

    W.r.t the world cup - thx. We all thoroughly enjoyed watching and attending the matches. Vibe was awesome.
  • Hi again- so the way it works is that you will need a different *serial number* (as opposed to a different "license") for the build server. You'll get all the right numbers, once purchased.
    I think, from here, it will be quickest to our sales guys, they will sort everything out : +44 (0)870 160 0037
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