Easy refresh/reload method?

once I have 2 redgate db objects, and run the difference on them, I could go make changes, then want to run the comparison again. Is there an easy way to reload or refresh the db objects I have in memory so I can run the compare again?
The SDK does not support "partial" schema reloads, so you would be required to register the whole database again after it has been synchronized. I don't know of a way around that, unfortunately.
The problem is that there are different ways to load different db types (live, snapshot, backup, folder structure), and I was wondering if I could just call a "refresh" type function on or with the already loaded db objects, instead of interrogating the db object to figure out what type it was, and then pull the required info from it, so that I could call the appropriate load function. Since all that info is in the object already, a refresh or reload function from within the object would be possible.
I guess I'm trying to say that the answer to your question is, no, there is no easier way of doing it.