Issues with upgrading to V 2.1

I have just tried to upgrade to version 2.1 of Exchange Archiver and when I follow the following link: ... r_Archiver\knowledgebase\Upgrading_exchange_server_archiver.htm
I get to the step of installing the ESA Archive Service and it fails with the following error:
Failed to find node: //configuration/system.runtime.remoting/application/channels/channel[@ref='ipc'] in XML file:
\Program Files\Red Gate\ESA Archive Service\Red Gate.ExchangeArchiver.ArchiveService.exe.config, System error: -2147020584
Does anyone know why this is an issue or has experienced the same issue as above. Any help would be great.
I have just tried to upgrade to version 2.1 of Exchange Archiver and when I follow the following link: ... r_Archiver\knowledgebase\Upgrading_exchange_server_archiver.htm
I get to the step of installing the ESA Archive Service and it fails with the following error:
Failed to find node: //configuration/system.runtime.remoting/application/channels/channel[@ref='ipc'] in XML file:

Does anyone know why this is an issue or has experienced the same issue as above. Any help would be great.
Sorry for the delay in answering. It looks like the ArchiveService.xml file may have been corrupt or you had a really old prerelease of ESA installed to begin with. The remoting node of the XML should always have an entry for IPC whether you actually use the protocol or not. So the file is either corrupt or imcomplete.
If you have never used ESA, you could delete this file and start over, otherwise it's one of those please conact support issues so we can hack the bit you need into the XML file.
Cheers I have been talking to support over the last couple of weeks and have managed to get it all sorted. I had to completely uninstall and re-install V 2.1 and got it all working again.