Temp file deleted by virusscanner


I'm currently testing the SDK trial version. The plan is to use this for comparing data between databases.

When i run the comparison, temporarily files will be created in the C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp\Red Gate. My virusscanner, McAffee, tells me that a certain tmp file is a trojan. Exploit-ObscuredHtml. The file get's deleted by the virusscanner and an error will be shown when looping trough the differences in resultsstore. FileNotFoundException, could not find file ....

Is this a problem in the SDK that makes the temp file look like a trojan?
Maybe this is to be solved by changing the directory where the temp files are created to an excluded zone of the virusscanner. How is this possible?

Additional note: This is not happening with every database i have tried, so the comparison is working correctly.

Thank you for your answer in advance!


  • Solved the problem by moving the temp directory to a safe zone.

    Used this topic: http://ftp.red-gate.com/messageboard/vi ... 3099fb931c
  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Hi Tom,

    It does sound as if some of the data in the database actually triggers the virus scanner alert -- for instance, it could be some IMAGE data or a CLR assembly. You can move the temporary data to a different folder by setting an environment variable on the process block of the SDK application called RGTEMP, which will point to the dirtectory that you want to use. You can then exclude this well-known directory from scanning if you want to.

    I hope this helps.
  • Hi Tom,

    It does sound as if some of the data in the database actually triggers the virus scanner alert -- for instance, it could be some IMAGE data or a CLR assembly. You can move the temporary data to a different folder by setting an environment variable on the process block of the SDK application called RGTEMP, which will point to the dirtectory that you want to use. You can then exclude this well-known directory from scanning if you want to.

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you for your response. I was also thinking this could be a problem with binary data. Is this something that can be fixed in the SDK or is this inevitable?

    I solved the problem by moving the temp directory as explained in the topic i linked to earlier.
  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    If there is suspicious binary data in the database being written to SQL Data Compare's temp files, I don't know how you could change that so the virus scanner doesn't get upset about it, except of course to exclude the directory from being scanned.
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