Know the name of modified columns in the ResultStore


I have successfully created with your sample a merge algorithm for two of my databases. The problem is that when I call resultsReader.GetRow(syncRecordObject.Bookmark).Values, I can see the list of all values that have changed but I can't understand how I can see to what column theses values is associated.

Here is a sample of my code:

Private Function SyncRecord(ByVal syncRecordObject As SynchronizationRecord) As Boolean

Dim resultsReader As Reader

Dim result As Boolean

If syncRecordObject.ResultsStoreType = Row.RowType.Different Then

resultsReader = _tableDifferences(syncRecordObject.TableName()).ResultsStore.GetReader(Row.RowType.All)

SyncRecord = False

If (syncRecordObject.TableName <> String.Empty) Then

Dim myRow As Row = resultsReader.GetRow(syncRecordObject.Bookmark)

Here, I want to know to which columns the values in myRow.Values is associated;

result = True

End If
result = True
End If

Return result
End Function

Thank you very much.

P.S. Sorry for the poor formatting but the very small textbox for enter the texte is not very helpful.


  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1

    I could not find any function in the SQL Data Compare SDK that will resolve a Row column to a column name in the ResultsReader, so I wrote my own. The GetFieldMatrix function will return a dictionary keyed on the row's column ordinal and valued on the column name.

    This works for me, so I hope it's useful to you.
    Option Explicit On
    Imports RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine
    Imports RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine
    Imports RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine.ResultsStore
    Imports System.Data.SqlClient
    Imports System.Collections
    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' Finding differences in a named table.
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    Public Class StoreExample
        Sub RunExample&#40;&#41;
            Using db1 As New Database
                Using db2 As New Database
                    Dim sourceConnectionProperties As New ConnectionProperties&#40;Program.DevServerName, Program.DevDatabaseName&#41;
                    Dim targetConnectionProperties As New ConnectionProperties&#40;Program.LiveServerName, Program.LiveDatabaseName&#41;
                        Console.WriteLine&#40;"Registering database " + sourceConnectionProperties.DatabaseName&#41;
                        db1.RegisterForDataCompare&#40;sourceConnectionProperties, Options.Default&#41;
                    Catch e As SqlException
                        Console.WriteLine&#40;vbCrLf & _
                          "Cannot connect to database '&#123;0&#125;' on server '&#123;1&#125;'. The most common causes of this error are:" & vbCrLf & _
                          "        o The sample databases are not installed" & vbCrLf & _
                          "        o ServerName not set to the location of the target database" & vbCrLf & _
                          "        o For sql server authentication, username and password incorrect or not supplied in ConnectionProperties constructor" & vbCrLf & _
                          "        o Remote connections not enabled", sourceConnectionProperties.DatabaseName, sourceConnectionProperties.ServerName&#41;
                    End Try
                        Console.WriteLine&#40;"Registering database " + targetConnectionProperties.DatabaseName&#41;
                        db2.RegisterForDataCompare&#40;targetConnectionProperties, Options.Default&#41;
                    Catch e As SqlException
                        Console.WriteLine&#40;vbCrLf & _
                          "Cannot connect to database '&#123;0&#125;' on server '&#123;1&#125;'. The most common causes of this error are:" & vbCrLf & _
                          "        o The sample databases are not installed" & vbCrLf & _
                          "        o ServerName not set to the location of the target database" & vbCrLf & _
                          "        o For sql server authentication, username and password incorrect or not supplied in ConnectionProperties constructor" & vbCrLf & _
                          "        o Remote connections not enabled", targetConnectionProperties.DatabaseName, targetConnectionProperties.ServerName&#41;
                    End Try
                    Dim mappings As New TableMappings
                    mappings.CreateMappings&#40;db1.Tables, db2.Tables&#41;
                    Using session As New ComparisonSession
                        session.CompareDatabases&#40;db1, db2, mappings&#41;
                        Dim resultsReader As Reader = session.TableDifferences&#40;"&#91;dbo&#93;.&#91;Widgets&#93;"&#41;.ResultsStore.GetReader
                        Dim row As Row, i As Integer
                        For Each row In resultsReader
                            For i = 0 To row.Values.Length - 1
                                Dim fieldMatrix As Dictionary&#40;Of Int32, String&#41; = GetFieldMatrix&#40;resultsReader&#41;
                                'Work out the column associated with the colun ordinal
                                Console.Write&#40;"&#123;0&#125;=&#123;1&#125; ", fieldMatrix&#40;i&#41;, row.Values&#40;i&#41;&#41;
                            Next i
                    End Using
                End Using
            End Using
        End Sub
        Function GetFieldMatrix&#40;ByVal Results As Reader&#41; As Dictionary&#40;Of Int32, String&#41;
            Dim dict As New Dictionary&#40;Of Int32, String&#41;
            Dim i As Integer, fld As FieldPair
            For i = 0 To Results.Fields.Count - 1
                fld = Results.Fields&#40;i&#41;
                If fld.OrdinalInResults1 = fld.OrdinalInResults2 Then dict.Add&#40;fld.OrdinalInResults1, fld.Field1.Name&#41;
                If fld.OrdinalInResults1 &lt;&gt; fld.OrdinalInResults2 Then
                    dict.Add&#40;fld.OrdinalInResults1, fld.Field1.Name&#41;
                    dict.Add&#40;fld.OrdinalInResults2, fld.Field2.Name&#41;
                End If
            GetFieldMatrix = dict
        End Function
    End Class
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