Exception in VS 2010 RC
Posts: 14
I am receiving the following exception in VS 2010 RC when I layout sql. I do not receive it in SSMS on the same code.
System.ApplicationException: Exception within progress task ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Exception from HRESULT: 0x80041003
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Int32 errorCode)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(Int32 hr, Int32[] expectedHRFailure)
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonVS.Editor.VSEditorWindow.a(CaretPosition , CaretPosition , String )
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonVS.Editor.VSScriptProvider.a(IEnumerable`1 )
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonVS.Editor.VSScriptProvider.ApplyChange(ICompletionFragment fragment)
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Refactor.Refactor.a(EditorWindowBase , Func`2 , Errors& )
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Refactor.Refactor.a(EditorWindowBase , Errors& , Func`2[] )
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Refactor.Refactor.a.Run()
at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Engine.Progress.TaskAggregator.Run()
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Forms.ProgressDialogue.a()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Forms.ProgressDialogue.ShowProgress(ITaskRunner task)
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Refactor.Refactor.a(a )
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Refactor.Refactor.LayOutSql(LayoutOptions layoutOptions, EditorWindowBase editor)
at b.Execute()
at a.Execute()
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonVS.Commands.VSCommandControler.EnvDTE.IDTCommandTarget.Exec(String CmdName, vsCommandExecOption ExecuteOption, Object& VariantIn, Object& VariantOut, Boolean& Handled)
System.ApplicationException: Exception within progress task ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Exception from HRESULT: 0x80041003
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Int32 errorCode)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(Int32 hr, Int32[] expectedHRFailure)
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonVS.Editor.VSEditorWindow.a(CaretPosition , CaretPosition , String )
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonVS.Editor.VSScriptProvider.a(IEnumerable`1 )
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonVS.Editor.VSScriptProvider.ApplyChange(ICompletionFragment fragment)
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Refactor.Refactor.a(EditorWindowBase , Func`2 , Errors& )
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Refactor.Refactor.a(EditorWindowBase , Errors& , Func`2[] )
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Refactor.Refactor.a.Run()
at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Engine.Progress.TaskAggregator.Run()
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Forms.ProgressDialogue.a()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Forms.ProgressDialogue.ShowProgress(ITaskRunner task)
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Refactor.Refactor.a(a )
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Refactor.Refactor.LayOutSql(LayoutOptions layoutOptions, EditorWindowBase editor)
at b.Execute()
at a.Execute()
at RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonVS.Commands.VSCommandControler.EnvDTE.IDTCommandTarget.Exec(String CmdName, vsCommandExecOption ExecuteOption, Object& VariantIn, Object& VariantOut, Boolean& Handled)
DECLARE @constraint_name SYSNAME , @parent_schema SYSNAME , @parent_name SYSNAME , @referenced_object_schema SYSNAME , @referenced_object_name SYSNAME , @column_name SYSNAME , @referenced_column_name SYSNAME , @is_not_for_replication BIT , @is_not_trusted BIT , @delete_referential_action TINYINT , @update_referential_action TINYINT , @AddLine NVARCHAR(MAX) , @DropLine NVARCHAR(MAX) , @fkline NVARCHAR(MAX) , @pkline NVARCHAR(MAX) , @object_id INT , @parent_object_id INT DECLARE @AddScript TABLE ( id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) , line NVARCHAR(MAX) ) DECLARE @DropScript TABLE ( id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) , line NVARCHAR(MAX) ) SET NOCOUNT ON -- Create cursor for foreign keys system view DECLARE cFKeys CURSOR READ_ONLY FOR SELECT object_id, parent_object_id, OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(parent_object_id), OBJECT_NAME (parent_object_id), [name], is_not_trusted, OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(referenced_object_id), OBJECT_NAME(referenced_object_id), delete_referential_action, update_referential_action, is_not_for_replication FROM sys.foreign_keys OPEN cFKeys -- Collect basic data FETCH NEXT FROM cFKeys INTO @object_id, @parent_object_id, @parent_schema, @parent_name, @constraint_name, @is_not_trusted, @referenced_object_schema, @referenced_object_name, @delete_referential_action, @update_referential_action, @is_not_for_replication WHILE ( @@fetch_status <> -1 ) BEGIN IF ( @@fetch_status <> -2 ) BEGIN -- Start creating command string. One for add and one for drop constraint SET @AddLine = N'ALTER TABLE ' + QUOTENAME(@parent_schema) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(@parent_name) SET @DropLine = N'ALTER TABLE ' + QUOTENAME(@parent_schema) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(@parent_name) -- Check if it is enabled or not IF @is_not_trusted = 1 SET @AddLine = @AddLine + N' WITH NOCHECK' ELSE SET @AddLine = @AddLine + N' WITH CHECK' SET @AddLine = @AddLine + N' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + QUOTENAME(@constraint_name) + N' FOREIGN KEY (' SET @DropLine = @DropLine + N' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + QUOTENAME(@constraint_name) -- Gather all columns for current key from foreign key columns system view DECLARE cColumns CURSOR READ_ONLY FOR SELECT fc.name, pc.name FROM sys.foreign_key_columns fk INNER JOIN sys.columns fc ON fk.parent_object_id = fc.object_id AND fk.parent_column_id = fc.column_id INNER JOIN sys.columns pc ON fk.referenced_object_id = pc.object_id AND fk.referenced_column_id = pc.column_id WHERE parent_object_id = @parent_object_id AND fk.constraint_object_id = @object_id OPEN cColumns SET @fkline = N'' SET @pkline = N'' FETCH NEXT FROM cColumns INTO @column_name, @referenced_column_name WHILE ( @@fetch_status <> -1 ) BEGIN IF ( @@fetch_status <> -2 ) BEGIN -- One line for column list and one for referenced columns SET @fkline = @fkline + @column_name SET @pkline = @pkline + @referenced_column_name END FETCH NEXT FROM cColumns INTO @column_name, @referenced_column_name IF ( @@fetch_status = 0 ) BEGIN SET @fkline = @fkline + ', ' SET @pkline = @pkline + ', ' END END CLOSE cColumns DEALLOCATE cColumns -- Add column list SET @AddLine = @AddLine + @fkline + N')' + CHAR(13) -- Add referenced table and column list SET @AddLine = @AddLine + 'REFERENCES ' + QUOTENAME(@referenced_object_schema) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(@referenced_object_name) SET @AddLine = @AddLine + N' (' + @pkline + N')' -- Check the referential action that was declared for this key as well as replication option SET @AddLine = @AddLine + ' ON DELETE' + CASE @delete_referential_action WHEN 1 THEN N' CASCADE' WHEN 2 THEN N' SET NULL' WHEN 3 THEN N' SET DEFAULT' ELSE N' NO ACTION' END + ' ON UPDATE' + CASE @UPDATE_REFERENTIAL_ACTION WHEN 1 THEN N' CASCADE' WHEN 2 THEN N' SET NULL' WHEN 3 THEN N' SET DEFAULT' ELSE N' NO ACTION' END + CASE WHEN @IS_NOT_FOR_REPLICATION = 1 THEN N' NOT FOR REPLICATION' ELSE N'' END -- Insert command into table for later use INSERT INTO @DropScript SELECT @DropLine INSERT INTO @AddScript SELECT @AddLine FETCH NEXT FROM cFKeys INTO @object_id, @parent_object_id, @parent_schema, @parent_name, @constraint_name, @is_not_trusted, @referenced_object_schema, @referenced_object_name, @delete_referential_action, @update_referential_action, @is_not_for_replication END END CLOSE cFKeys DEALLOCATE cFKeys SET NOCOUNT OFF BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY DECLARE @Current INT = 1 ; DECLARE @Max INT ; DECLARE @Sql VARCHAR(MAX) ; --drop statements SELECT @Max = MAX(id) FROM @DropScript ; WHILE ( @Current <= @Max ) BEGIN SELECT @Sql = line FROM @DropScript WHERE id = @Current ; PRINT @Sql ; --EXEC (@Sql) ; SET @Current += 1 ; END --add statements SET @Current = 1 ; SELECT @Max = MAX(id) FROM @AddScript ; WHILE ( @Current <= @Max ) BEGIN SELECT @Sql = line FROM @AddScript WHERE id = @Current ; PRINT @Sql ; --EXEC (@Sql) ; SET @Current += 1 ; END END TRY BEGIN CATCH SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber , ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity , ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState , ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure , ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine , ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage ; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION ; END CATCH ; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION ;
I have logged this and our team is working on it for your reference id is SP-2943.
I will get back to you as soon as I have any update.
Once again apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Product Support
Redgate Software Ltd.
E-mail: support@red-gate.com
I am pleased to inform you that we have fixed the SQL Prompt issue you were experiencing in our latest patch.
Kindly check the forum post to download the version: https://www.red-gate.com/messageboard/v ... hp?t=10248
Please let us know if this fixes your issue.
Product Support
Redgate Software Ltd.
E-mail: support@red-gate.com