User account setting ignored in package

obergmanobergman Posts: 5
My database has one user account with the "db_owner" role. This information is ignored in the db package. What am I missing here?

Thank you,
Morten Bergman


  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Hello Morten,

    This depends. If it is an upgrade package, and the user exists in both databases with the same role membership, the user will not be scripted.

    On the other hand, if the package is a new database package, the only possible explanation that comes to mind is the SQL schema option 'ignore users' or 'ignore roles' being set.
  • How can I set the 'ignore roles' option? I have version and there is no 'ignore users' or 'ignore roles' options in the "SQL Packager Option" window.
  • Hi Morten

    What you are looking for is to uncheck the users and roles in the list of objects to Package/Compare. That way you can ignore users and roles. However you may have to use uncheck the option "include dependencies" and check "ignore permissions".

    Daniel Handley
    Red Gate Software Ltd
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